Providing Christian Dramas, Plays and Music

RESURRECTION - Dramatic Biblical Christian Musical Season: Easter, Anytime
Cast: Approximately 5 Principles and 10+ Additional cast members male and female
Jesus’ path to the cross intersects with the life of a family in Bethany. The amazing miracle they experience changes their lives forever.
Mary, Martha and Lazarus experience the miracle of the loaves and fish and develop a loving relationship with Jesus. Lazarus becomes ill but his sisters are confident Jesus will heal him. When Lazarus dies the sister’s faith is tested.
After Jesus raises Lazarus from the dead the Pharisees hatch a plot to kill Jesus. Judas offers the Pharisees the chance to arrest Jesus. Jesus’s arrest and crucifixion rock the family. Mary goes to the tomb. The mourning disciples gather in secret. Jesus’ resurrection brings a joyful ending.
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